Eine immersive und partizipative Erfahrung: Das Publikum ist zu einer Serie von Ritualen eingeladen, um Teil des Pop-Kults †een▲ge g d zu werden!
†een▲ge g d ist ein multimediales und interdisziplinäres Kollektiv, das die Grenzen zwischen Religion und Popkultur, Publikum und Performer, auslotet, das sind Teenagegod.
Sie kombiniert Medien und erzeugt Formen, die unabhängig von den Performances existieren können: Musik, Tanz, Video, Fotografie, performative Skulptur, Installation, Livestream.
In der Obsession von Stars und Göttern, Fans und Sektenmitglieder verzerrt diese Satire das Spiegelbild des jeweils anderen. Die Verehrung von Britney Spears und Shoko Asahara, die Anbetung von One Direction und Heaven’s Gate, Pop-Rituale und mystische Zeremonien kollidieren und verschmelzen, um schließlich dem Konsumkapitalismus einen “death mirror” vorzuhalten.

Immersive and participatory experiences that take the shape of series of rituals that the audience is invited to accomplish to become part of the pop cult: †een▲ge g0d.
†een▲ge g0d is a multimedia and interdisciplinary collective that explores the limits between religion and pop culture, audience and performer, high and low art. This project combines mediums and also generates forms that can exist independently from the performances: music, dance, video, photography, performative sculpture, book, installation, livestream, etc.
In this satire of the obsessions of stars and gods, fans and cult members offer distorted mirror images of one another. The adoration of Britney Spears and Shoko Asahara, the worship of One Direction and Heaven’s Gate, pop rituals and mystical ceremonies collide and merge to ultimately hold up a “death mirror” to consumer capitalism as in “Scorpio Rising”.
†een▲ge g0d
Britney Spears’ suicide cult.
Justin Bieber shot in the face by Genesis P-Orridge.
Doomsday supermarket pop mixed with sarin gas.
Mantra = There are 7 ways to clean hands, 7 ways to clean feet, 7 ways to clean hair, 7 ways to clean ears, 7 ways to clean teeth, 7 ways to clean tongues, 7 ways to clean eyes.
Termine und Tickets
Freitag, 11.11.2022 | 20:30 Uhr
Samstag, 12.11.2022 | 20:30 Uhr
WUK Theater Quartier
10 / 17 / Soli-Ticket 25 €
In unserem Online-VVK zzgl. VVK-Gebühr.
Resttickets ab 1h vor Vorstellungsbeginn.
Wir eröffnen den VVK am 12.10.2022!
Louise Ronk-Senges
Armando Navarro
†een▲ge g0d wird präsentiert im Rahmen des Projektes „Lose and win on“. Das WUK Theater Quartier stellt sich mit “Lose and win on” der Verbindung von Digitalität und den Freien Darstellenden Künsten. Das Spielfeld Digitalität soll dauerhaft AUF SENDUNG sein, unserem virtuellen Anbau des WUK Theater Quartiers, das WUK Digital Quartier.
Unser Digital-Projekt “lose and win on – Spielfeld Digitalität” wird realisiert im Rahmen von »dive in. Programm für digitale Interaktionen« von der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, finanziert aus dem Rettungs- und Zukunftspaket der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien NEUSTART KULTUR.
Louise Ronk-Sengès experiments with her voice and whistling in her performances and sound compositions. Her “Acousmatic Massage” has been performed at Glassbox and the Pompidou Center, among other venues. Her work appeared in the FLUX1 compilation. She collaborated with the musician Fabien Pages under the name: ronxshka / ijzerhard. She has also worked as a singer under the alias Ronxshka, as a dancer and as an actress in music videos, in a theatrical production and in films.
Armando Navarro creates dystopias, collective experiences or systems that test the limits of groups. Roots subjective experiences in collective dimensions. Pushes reality to the edge of madness or dreams. Blends the absurd and the sacred. A humorless work cannot be taken seriously, and vice versa. Unites narration and perception. Stories, dialogues and characters are merged with primal sensory experiences via powerful sights and sounds.
Born in San Francisco, lives in Paris. Both American and French. He has explored many creative avenues at the intersection of film and the visual arts: lettrism, contemporary art, experimental cinema, video art, music videos, exhibitions, art installations, performances, film lab coop, leading role in a feature film, radio show. His experiences in major advertising agencies have allowed him to take a close look at the social obsessions that he satirizes in “†een▲ge g0d” and his previous short “Size Zero”
His previous short “Size Zero” is a satire of the obsession of beauty inspired by Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto: in this satirical thriller, feminist terrorists kidnap fashion models to force them to eat. Selected at the Nancy-Lorraine International Film Festival & Festival Coté Court. Broadcast on Shorts TV.