P.A.N.TER – Workshops ON DEMAND

You are currently viewing P.A.N.TER – Workshops ON DEMAND
  • Beitrag veröffentlicht:24. Oktober 2022

WORKSHOPS | Dance + Media Art


We are very happy to bring a multimedia dance performance from the Ukraine to Halle with P.A.N.TER – Performing Arts NeverTERminate! In addition to the performances, we would like to bring you into contact with the strong team, who are happy to get in touch with you „as much as possible“!

growing offer of workshops (constantly updated)

Sa, 05.11. 15:00 – 16:30
WUK Theater Quartier
Contemporary Dance/Movement „power of vulnerability“

MASTERCLASS (15+) with Oleksandra Lytvyn

Ability to be open and seen is crucially important to appear as authentic self in synergy within own body and mind. During the workshop we will connect with effort and release through the breath, observation, simple movement first and dance expression and playful interaction later as an invitation, not the
obligation. No previous experience is required. Take your curiosity to be a buddy to your body.

Mo, 07.11., 17:00-18:30
WUK Theater Quartier
Real-time visualization in theater and music performance

LECTURE with Svitlana Zhytnia

Generative real-time visuals as a game changer in set design for theater and music performance.How digital art is used in creating immersive experiences, what tools Svitlana uses to develop projections in real time. What are the similarities between a theatrical performance and a techno rave?

Di, 08.11., 10:00-11:00

NFT & CryptoArt


What is NFT? How to create an NFT? Get to know the art and other segments of NFT market! Make first steps as an artist in NFT space!

Do, 10.11., 17:00-18:30
Networking with Ukrainian (digital) art scene with team of P.A.N.TER

Short presentations from ukrainian artists about different cultural organisztions, communities and project. As example Nikita FREEBOID – CryptoArt Ukraine community and other

> 19:00 Halle-PREMIER of P.A.N.TER

Fr, 11.11., 17:00-18:30
location tba
Dance vs. Media

MASTERCLASS with Oleksandra Lytvyn

Based on the one of the performance scene the workshop aimed to explore physical tools and how it could be affected by adding the media layer. Participants will have an opportunity to compare physical and media plane on practice.At the end we will have a discussion about this experience in terms of a question: Do dance and media could coexist together and what this could bring?

> 19:00 P.A.N.TER

Sa, 12.11. 15:00-18:00
WUK Theater Quartier
TouchDesign – visual coding + generative visuals

 MASTERCLASS with Svitlana Zhytnia

The Media artists shows the basics of how to create a scene for a performance.

> 19:00 P.A.N.TER

Su, 13.11., 14:00-16:00
WUK Theater Quartier
Creating a digital twin for augmented reality

Masterclass | Nikita FREEBOID

How to scan a person with a smartphone, to produce a 3D modelm how to add an animation
and put it in AR. Nikita will show the whole process on his devices, you don’t need to have any device and software to participate. #sparkar #trnio #mixamo

> 16:30 P.A.N.TER


The P.A.N.TER team also offers you WORKSHOPS ON DEMAND from 7.11. to 15.11.2022. to pass on her expertise in dance & performance, digital media, AR and project management!

Register for a workshop or invite artists to come to you via mereth.garbe@wuk-theater.de

WORKSHOPS zu Tanz + Digitalität!


We are very happy to bring a multimedia dance performance from the Ukraine to Halle with P.A.N.TER – Performing Arts NeverTERminate! In addition to the performances, we would like to bring you into contact with the strong team, who are happy to get in touch with you „as much as possible“!

growing offer of workshops (updates soon)

Sa, 05.11. 15:00 – 16:30
WUK Theater Quartier
Contemporary Dance/Movement „power of vulnerability“

MASTERCLASS (15+) with Oleksandra Lytvyn

Ability to be open and seen is crucially important to appear as authentic self in synergy within own body and mind. During the workshop we will connect with effort and release through the breath, observation, simple movement first and dance expression and playful interaction later as an invitation, not the
obligation. No previous experience is required. Take your curiosity to be a buddy to your body.

Mo, 07.11., 17:00-18:30
WUK Theater Quartier
Real-time visualization in theater and music performance

LECTURE with Svitlana Zhytnia

Generative real-time visuals as a game changer in set design for theater and music performance.How digital art is used in creating immersive experiences, what tools Svitlana uses to develop projections in real time. What are the similarities between a theatrical performance and a techno rave?

Di, 08.11., 10:00-11:00
NFT & CryptoArt



What is NFT? How to create an NFT? Get to know the art and other segments of NFT market! Make first steps as an artist in NFT space!

Do, 10.11., 17:00-18:30
Networking with Ukrainian (digital) art scene with team of P.A.N.TER

Short presentations from ukrainian artists about different cultural organisztions, communities and project. As example Nikita FREEBOID – CryptoArt Ukraine community and other

> 19:00 Halle-PREMIER of P.A.N.TER

Fr, 11.11., 17:00-18:30
location tba
Dance vs. Media

MASTERCLASS with Oleksandra Lytvyn

Based on the one of the performance scene the workshop aimed to explore physical tools and how it could be affected by adding the media layer. Participants will have an opportunity to compare physical and media plane on practice.At the end we will have a discussion about this experience in terms of a question: Do dance and media could coexist together and what this could bring?

> 19:00 von P.A.N.TER

Sa, 12.11. 15:00-18:00
WUK Theater Quartier
TouchDesign – visual coding + generative visuals

 MASTERCLASS with Svitlana Zhytnia

The Media artists shows the basics of how to create a scene for a performance.

19:00 folgt „Kino-Version“ von P.A.N.TER

Su, 13.11., 14:00-16:00
WUK Theater Quartier
Creating a digital twin for augmented reality

Masterclass | Nikita FREEBOID

How to scan a person with a smartphone, to produce a 3D modelm how to add an animation
and put it in AR. Nikita will show the whole process on his devices, you don’t need to have any device and software to participate. #sparkar #trnio #mixamo

>> 16:30 folgt die „Kino-Version“ von P.A.N.TER


The P.A.N.TER team also offers you WORKSHOPS ON DEMAND from 7.11. to 15.11.2022. to pass on her expertise in dance & performance, digital media, AR and project management!

Register for a workshop or invite artists to come to you via mereth.garbe@wuk-theater.de

Was ist P.A.N.TER?

P.A.N.TER – Performing Arts Never TERminate ist eine AR-Performance und verbindet Digitale Medien, Augumented Reality und zeitgenössischen Tanz. Das Stück nutzt dazu Motive aus Kafkas „Ein Hungerkünstler“ – der Panter steht dabei für das Neue, Ambivalente, Gefährliche. P.A.N.TER bringt augumented-reality-videos von Choreograf*innen und den physischen Raum zusammen mit Hilfe der Plattform ALTstage, eine App, die das Team um Max Schumann und Oleksandr Manshylin  erarbeitet hat: http://altstage.com.ua/about_en.

Auf http://altstage.com.ua/en sind vier Prototypperformances zu sehen.

Im WUK Theater Quartier wird die Weltpremiere der „cinematic“ Version zu sehen sein, bei der das Publikum über seine Smartphones die Live-Performer vor einer Video-Beamer-Projektion sieht. Teile der Performer*innen sind als AR-Ebene zu sehen, andere Teile als Videoprojektionen.


Behind the Scences:


Wann und wie finden die ON DEMAND-Workshops statt?

Das Team kann Vorträge und Workshops im Zeitraum vom 01.11.-15.11.2022 geben.

Das Team um P.A.N.TER kommt aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und möchte Euch gern aus ihrer jeweiligen Expertise etwas mitgeben. Unten findet Ihr Vorschläge aus dem Team zu Lectures und Workshops. Bei Interesse fragt uns gern an für einen Workshop oder einen Vortrag. Wir haben vermerkt, ab wann welche*r Künstler*in für Workshops verfügbar ist.

Das Angebot ist kostenfrei! Hauptsprache der Vorträge / Workshops ist Englisch, außerdem ist Ukrainisch/Russisch möglich.

Wer ist im Team und welche Themen-Angebote ON DEMAND gibt es?

Nikita Khudiakov – Media Artist [01.-15.11.]

  1. Vortrag und Q&A:
    NFTs as a tool for contemporary artist”
  2. Vortrag und Q&A:
    Metaverses overview for artists”
  3. Workshop:
    “Web-based generative art using cables.gl

Svitlana Zhytnia – Media Artist [01.-15.11.]

  1. Artist Talk – Q&A
  2. Workshops on generative realtime visuals
  3. Lectures on digital art in scenography of theater and music events

Oleksandra Lytvy – Choreographer [01.-15.11.]

  1. Movement research: Dance VS media? Based on the performance scene “Impressario” the research aimed to explore physical tools used in the scene and how it could be affected by adding the media (video) context.
  2. Movement workshop: Micro dance – still a dance: Simple, slow, weird and not so spectacular
  3. Open talk + Q&A:
    “Speaking place” of an artist and how to survive in this mess.
  4. Workshop:
    “Power of the weakness”: Body work + circle discussion.
  5. Movement laboratory:
    Participants will have an opportunity to discover P.A.N.TER practices and exercises that were used in the rehearsal process.

Oleksandr Manshylin, project manager and curator   [01.-15.11.]   

  1. Project management
  2. Presentation of ALTstage technology – the environment for using AR in performative arts
  3. Presentation of Ukrainian Contemporary Dance Platform Projects: for the emerging choreographers AND for the collaboration between dance, media art and IT communities

Olena Chuchko, Choreopgrapher [05.-15.11.]

  1. Body improvisation for all comers
  2. Workshop’s for actors – performative practice/dance improvisation
  3. Body work classes
  4. Talking about teaching contemporary dance for children/teenagers
  5. Discussion on working with professionals and amateurs in the field of contemporary dance and performance

Anton Ovchinnikov [10.-13.11.]

Presentations of Ukrainian Contemporary Dance Platform Projects:


Wie und wo können die Vorträge / Workshops stattfinden?

Ihr sendet uns zunächst eine Anfrage mit folgenden Informationen:

  • Name + Angebot
  • Zeitrahmen / Dauer
  • gewünschtes Datum
  • Ort – Details siehe unten

Wir melden schnellstmöglich zurück, was passt, und klären alles mit den Künstler*innen! Zum Ort:

  • Das Team bzw. die einzelnen Mitglieder würden sich freuen, direkt bei euch vorbeizukommen – in den Vorlesungssaal, das Klassenzimmer, etc.
  • Ist euch das nicht möglich, finden wir gern mit euch eine Lösung und  begrüßen euch vielleicht WUK Theater Quartier. Wünscht ihr eine Übersetzung? Habt technischen Bedarf? Lasst uns darüber reden.
  • Wichtig: Diejenigen Teammitglieder, die noch in der Ukraine sind, werden aufgrund des Kriegsgeschehens eventuell nicht nach Halle kommen können, möchten aber dennoch gerne ihr Angebot online zugänglich machen.

Wir und besonders das Team von P.A.N.TER freuen sich über regen Austausch!

Die Workshops finden statt im Rahmen unsers Digital-Projekt “lose and win on – Spielfeld Digitalität”. „lose and win on“ wird realisiert im Rahmen von »dive in. Programm für digitale Interaktionen« von der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, finanziert aus dem Rettungs- und Zukunftspaket der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien NEUSTART KULTUR.